幼・老・食の堂 | Care Hall for child, elderly and dining


This Project is located in mixed use areas and building scale mixed areas of Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Its a base where welfare services are provided to elderly people and children. One of the two programs of this building is a nursing care multifunctional facility (called Kantaki, a combination of home visit, day service, and lodging nursing care services for the elderly). the other is a company-led nursery (a service that keeps a certain number of employees' children and local children). In addition to these, it is connected to the local area through “food”. Kantaki is located on the north side of the first and second floors, a nursery school is located on the south side, and a kitchen is located at the center of the first floor. The space that extends from the kitchen to the front street is a community dining open to the community. In this plan, the architectural prototype was regarded as a “DOU”, and the central kitchen and its surroundings were made a place where people could walk around, and further opened to streets and areas. Like a large house where many generations once lived together, it has many tentacles in a space where various people gather, connect in three dimensions, and their activities melt into the surroundings.

設計:金野千恵・アリソン理恵・村部塁 / t e c o
構造設計:鈴木啓 / ASA
施工:株式会社 辰
主要用途:看護小規模多機能型居宅介護施設 / 事業所内保育所 / 訪問看護・介護事業所
写真:太田拓実 (no.1 - no.9), エビハラカズミ / GlassEye Inc.(no.10 - no.12), 新建築社(no.13)

Design:Chie KONNO, Rie ALLISON, Rui MURABE / t e c o
Structure design:Akira SUZUKI / ASA
Equipment design:ZO consulting engineers
Location:Shinagawa, Tokyo
Main use:Elderly care service, Children’s nursery, Town Dining
Site area: 228.49m2
Total floor area:354.82m2
Structure:Steel structure, 3rd floor
Design period:03.2016-01.2017
Construction period:04.2017 - 12.2017
Photo:Takumi OTA (no.1 - no.9), Kazumi Ebihara/GlassEye Inc.(no.10 - no.12), Shinkenchiku-sha(no.13)